When we come to Christ Jesus, we lose our life, but gain it again in Him! As we walk with Him, He shows us that His timing is perfect – for all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Believers have the great gift of knowing the God of the universe – we can respond to the storms in life by jumping into prayer, by trusting the ever-faithful One, and growing in faith as we allow Him to become our source of hope and strength.

Often, our Lord allows us to experience things that enable us to help others who are in great need of Him. This happens to me all the time. He keeps reminding me to trust and let go. Sometimes it is so hard to remember this when I am in the middle of the storm. Even then, He has given me courage to stand that I never had on my own. He tells me “Fear not, for I am with you”.

Dear Lord Jesus,
We ask that Your miraculous peace rest upon those who are sick and their families, and Your miraculous healing touch for their body. In Jesus’ name we ask that their body to be touched and their illness to be gone. We thank you Lord for meeting all their needs. Lord Jesus, You are our source for all good things. We ask humbly for Your presence in their home and family. There is nothing we can do without You, Oh Lord, and we ask Your forgiveness. Oh Lord, please turn Your servants hardships to glory.
